Catching Fire

 This book is called catching fire. The authors name is Suzanne collins. I chose this book because I read the first book and I found it extremely interesting and fun to read, it also has many action scenarios that make a lot of suspense. This book talks about a separations between the poor. Society and the rich society, while the rich ones live a very comfortable life, the poor ones have to work hard to barely get some money. The poor people is separated in districts and is forced to play the hunger games, to play this games two persons of each district are chosen randomly and taken to an arena to fight to death. What I really enjoyed about this book was the trama and the suspense, and about the story I will say everything. Something I will highlight about the story that we can really see in the real world, is how the powerful people take advantage of the poor people, forcing them to work hard without even getting paid, also how the rich people see the poor society, they threat them sometimes like animals or not like humans, and they are forced to live or work in sick environments. Something I didn’t like about the book is that there are some parts of the story when it gets really slow and kinda boring to read, but it is just some small parts of it because in general the book goes fast and is full of suspense, another thing I’ll say I didn’t like about this book is that at some point it feels a little bit repetitive and similar to the first book. The idea of being strong for someone else having never entered their heads, I find myself in the position of having to console them. Since I’m the person going in to be slaughtered, this is somewhat annoying”(Suzanne collins 245).


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