Alice's adventures in wonderland

                                                                               Leyna Moreno

 The book that I chose to read is “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carrol. I chose this book because I kept debating between 3 books I found online. I ended up choosing this book because I have watched the movie “Alice in Wonderland” and figured this book would have been very similar to the movie. Some of the most important events that I read in the book was when Alice was sitting down with her sister and suddenly a rabbit runs past her and she then notices the cat taking out a watch from its pocket and talking to itself, and Alice goes running after the rabbit and ends up falling into another dimension. Another important event that happens in this book is how Alice finds all of these magical creatures during her time in the other dimension and she cannot believe what she is seeing. The last event that i found to be important is how Alice has to face all of these challenging obstacles to later find out that it was all a dream when she woke up next to her sister. What I did not enjoy reading about this book was how Alice gets treated unfairly while she's in the other dimension and she consumes a bunch of different things she finds that will change her size or give her magic to stand up for herself. Another thing I did not like about this book is that Alice did not have enough time to explore during her time there but the good thing is that Alice returned back home to her family safely. A quote that stood out to me from this book is "If everybody minded their own business," "the world would go round a deal faster than it does." This quote stood out to me because if everyone would worry about themselves, life would seem to be going much faster than it is because there would me no arguments between one another.


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