
Showing posts from October, 2023

Catching Fire

  This book is called catching fire . The authors name is Suzanne collins. I chose this book because I read the first book and I found it extremely interesting and fun to read, it also has many action scenarios that make a lot of suspense. This book talks about a separations between the poor. Society and the rich society, while the rich ones live a very comfortable life, the poor ones have to work hard to barely get some money. The poor people is separated in districts and is forced to play the hunger games, to play this games two persons of each district are chosen randomly and taken to an arena to fight to death. What I really enjoyed about this book was the trama and the suspense, and about the story I will say everything. Something I will highlight about the story that we can really see in the real world, is how the powerful people take advantage of the poor people, forcing them to work hard without even getting paid, also how the rich people see the poor society, they threat them

My Best Friend’s Exorcism

  Ava Fernandez      My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix is about a friendship between two girls, and the turn their relationship takes after one of them is possessed by a demon. The book begins with Abby’s E.T. themed birthday party in 4th grade. Nobody came, except Gretchen bringing her a bible as a present. At first Abby was upset and ran to the bathroom. But Gretchen came and comforted her. “I didn’t want to give you a Children’s Bible,” Gretchen said through the stall door. “My mom picked it out. I told her not to. I wanted to get you an E.T. thing. They had one where his heart lit up”(Hendrix, 18). Abby felt better, and they went out to the rink and skated together. They became best friends after the party.  In 10th grade, Gretchen and Abby went to one of their friends' houses. The house was near some woods and a lake. Late in the night, the group decided to try LSD. After not feeling the effects, they get bored and decide to swim in the lake. One of their friends t

Alice's adventures in wonderland

                                                                               Leyna Moreno   The book that I chose to read is “ Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ” by Lewis Carrol. I chose this book because I kept debating between 3 books I found online. I ended up choosing this book because I have watched the movie “Alice in Wonderland” and figured this book would have been very similar to the movie. Some of the most important events that I read in the book was when Alice was sitting down with her sister and suddenly a rabbit runs past her and she then notices the cat taking out a watch from its pocket and talking to itself, and Alice goes running after the rabbit and ends up falling into another dimension. Another important event that happens in this book is how Alice finds all of these magical creatures during her time in the other dimension and she cannot believe what she is seeing. The last event that i found to be important is how Alice has to face all of these challenging ob

Letters to A Young Poet

 Written by Jacob Sarmiento    I chose to read the book Letters to A Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke. My decision to read this book came about after I saw multiple videos about the book that all said that this is the perfect book for young people looking to become artists, which is something I’m aspiring to. The book is a collection of letters that were sent by Rainer Maria Rilke, a popular poet during the 20th century to Franz Xaver Kappus, a young, aspiring poet over the span of many years. These letters contained Rilke’s advice for the young poet ranging from using introspection to find your calling to advice about the importance of sexuality and how it's been corrupted by the masses. The best parts of the book to me are when Rilke’s advice feels like he’s speaking from his own experiences as opposed to when he becomes more abstract and uses more figurative language, which to me feels less personal. Rilke’s view on trusting your instinct resonated with me in the passage that s

A Winter amid the Ice

  A Winter amid the Ice by Jules Verne was a fantastic book to read and the exciting adventure let me get away from reality and be immersed aboard the British ship “Foward” a long side strange captain Hatteras and his right hand Shannon. I chose this book because in Mexico my grandparents had a room filled with books and they have this whole collection on Jules Verne, I wanted to read it but once I was old enough to comprehend the story I moved to the US and it wasn’t until 9 years that I was able to read the book thanks to my grandparents visiting us and bringing the book to me. What I liked the most about this book was the thrilling and nonstop adventure of how the “Foward” made it to the Arctic Ocean and struggled to get back so much that the ship had to be abandoned to survive. My favorite character is Duck, Duck is Hattera's dog and at the beginning of the story, everyone in the Foward thinks the dog is the Captain because of his elegant behavior. An important line in the nove